Monday, March 26, 2012

Musselmans' Homemade Applesause

peel and core apples
People always ask us if we are related to Musselman brand applesauce, and we are not. But how fun is this, when the Musselmans make their own applesauce?

 4 lg. apples
 Pan (with lid)
 3/4 c. water
 1/4 c. sugar (white or brown)
 Several shakes cinnamon

cut and put in pot
cook 15-20 minutes
Done and Yum!
Cut apples in small pieces and take out the middle. Put the
cut up apples into a pan with 1/4 cup sugar and a few shakes
of cinnamon and the water. Cover the pan with the lid and
cook at medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes then let the
apples, cool and mash the apples with fork or potato masher.

As  a kid my mom made applesauce. I remember doing so at my grandparents house on 42 West Siebenthaler in Dayton, OH.  I had to get in touch with my aunts and uncle for details.

Uncle Mark Mergler from VA writies:

 "We used a Folly Food Mill.  The apples were cored and cut into quarters, stems and seeds removed, and placed into a large pot with a minimum of water; "to see but not to cover".  The water and apples were set to a slow boil until softened and let to cool somewhat.  Then placed into the mill.  The mill was placed over a large glass mixing bowl, the crank was turned and sauce came out the bottom.  Add whatever sugar or spices you want.  It was good either warm or cold.  I liked the skins that remained in the food mill.  This is much better apple sauce than comes from the super market. And you know what's in it. I have Folly and your question prompts me to get it out and use it."

Auntie Martha Gardner from MI writes: "Tool was called a Foley Food Mill. When I make applesauce - I mash in ripe bananas (no sugar added) and plenty of cinnamon and leave it really chunky with skins."

Aunt Ann who lives in OH (and who is slow to respond because her computer is still on dial up-haha) reports:
Yes, it is called a Foley Food Mill. The nice thing about it is that you don’t have to peel the apples before cooking; they are kept back by the food mill, when you grind the cooked apples. Actually, the most important part is that you use the King of Applesauce apples for this and that is Transparent apples. You probably will not find them at the store. They will likely be at a farmer’s market etc. They really are the best for applesauce, combining sweet & tart in the correct combination. We bought a Foley Food Mill when we were first married & when I can get some Transparent apples, I make us a batch. Sibs-if you remember that apple tree in the back yard-the one that never “ripened”- that was a Transparent. They stay green colored, even when mature. Not too much water, a pinch of salt & that’s it. Cinnamon to taste when you eat.
Have a great spring

Aunt Sarah from OH writes: 
We have 4 different apple "sticks" planted in the yard. We decided to grow as much of our food as possible in the yard because of the high amounts of chemicals used the ones  which are sold at the grocery. Thanks for the timely reminder!

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